by Brittany Jenke @ The Brag Media
We know it’s been a tough couple of years and that’s why the New GAP Year program is keen to bring you adventure while introducing you to job opportunities.

These past couple of years have left us hankering for a change of scenery, and has made us really curious about travel. Now that year 12 exams are well underway, a look to the future is among us, and to be honest, we need a little bit of a break from the past 13 years of school, especially with these last two years being an utter shit show between virtual and in-person learning.
This is where The New GAP Year fits in – connecting freshly-graduated students like you to a new adventure while gearing you up for all sorts of opportunities and experiences in regional Australia via Thankful4Farmers. Geared towards making a meaningful and tangible difference, they’re keen to show what job choices are available, and what skills are to be gained through a GAP year.
Whether you’re thinking of choosing to GoAndPick or to GoAndPour for your GAP year, The New GAP Year has partnered with Training Services NSW to ensure there are free training courses for you to learn up on a large range of industries, especially through the agricultural and hospitality industries with labour shortages caused by border closures.
So, instead of being a bit bummed that you can’t quite backpack across Europe easily with restrictions still happening in so many countries, now is the time to embrace what our own backyard has to offer us, with plenty of travel opportunities as well as skill growth.
With the ever-growing issue of labour shortage across farmlands, Thankful4Farmers created The New GAP Year to help address the issue by ensuring that farmers can “find seasonal workers they need and focus on what they do best – producing fresh and healthy produce for every Australian family everyday.”
So, with so many of us keen to get out of the four walls we’ve been stuck in for nigh on two years, this offers the perfect solution for solving our itch for travel while helping out communities across Australia, while also making new friends and developing skills.
“This is really a great way they can earn money and learn new skills while exploring. They will also be ‘doing good’ by providing a helping hand to rural and regional communities and ensuring every Australian family can access the fresh and delicious produce this country produces.”
By connecting us young Aussies with fee-free courses, you’ll be learning skills in agriculture, horticulture, shearing, or drone operations, and much more, which marks “a great opportunity for students and young people who have been locked down to break out, have an adventure and learn some new skills.”
So, whether you’re keen to simply get out of the house, need a break from school before starting up at uni, or just want a change of scenery while gaining new skills, The New GAP Year is the program for you. Ranging from a few weeks all the way up to a year-long placement, planning is already open, and the opportunities are endless.
Additionally, with jobs popping up all across Australia, you could be spending your GAP year in areas teeming with hikes, beaches, or even local culture like museums, festivals, and more. So, where are you going to spend your GAP year?
by Brittany Jenke @ The Brag Media