Our industry partner educators
Our training & guidance tools are developed by educational experts who are passionate about ensuring young people have the valuable skills they need to be confident and stand out in a crowd when looking for work.
Helping job seekers realise their full potential is also a fantastic benefit to all our industries and their employers who need to connect with workers.
The initiative is developed in partnership with other like-minded organisations who focus on practical solutions that connect young people with work, fun and adventure.
Get GAP Ready

The Get GAP Ready module has been developed for newGAPyear by FarmReady Pty Ltd which is owned and operated by Janne Dipple, bringing >20 years experience in adult education and training specifically for agriculture. Janne is also a director of a South East Qld Horticultural enterprise and has the unique insight to develop bespoke educational models that consider the emerging technologies, legislative requirements, and the practical nature of farming.
Janne is a qualified LLN Practitioner, allowing her to prescribe educational tools and modifications to suit the variety of cohorts that need support to overcome language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) barriers. For her work in agricultural education, Janne is a past Award Finalist in Ausveg’s National Awards for Excellence (Women in Horticulture Award) and a finalist in the AgriFutures Rural Women’s Award.
FarmReady Pty Ltd is an educational consultancy company spanning micro-credentials, non-accredited, and accredited training. With experience in an academic environment. FarmReady works with major universities, agricultural industry groups and employment programs across Australia. Writing and delivering training as well as creating and hosting online training websites. Recently, developing employment programs designed to attract, retain, and upskill agricultural workforces.

Get JOB Ready
Velisha Farms/Velisha wholesalers is a third generation integrated horticulture business located within Werribee South and Epping Market Victoria. Our businesses have farms in Werribee south, Caldermeade and Tatura (Victoria) and partners with producers throughout Australia to grow vegetables for a varied customer base. We are a major supplier to supermarkets, food service providers and major Australian wholesale markets. We have expanded into international export markets, our main customers being in Singapore and Thailand. Our main lines are brassica’s, iceberg lettuce, zucchini, kale, celery and spring onions.
VEG education group is a industry focused education business with specific courses on horticulture business skills, and farm, and warehouse safety. We have created VEG with the desire to increase opportunities for workforce intake and development, to help promote horticulture careers and the horticulture industry in a dynamic and exciting way. Showcasing our industry for what it really is; a dynamic, exciting, resilient and highly diverse and skilled workplace.
A third-generation farmer, Catherine Velisha has transformed a small family-owned business into a modern and thriving agricultural organisation.
As Managing Director of Velisha Farms, Catherine has overcome many challenges to create an environment that is respected by business leaders and academics both locally and throughout the world. With hands on experience, her insight into business and change management is a highly sought after commodity.
Catherine’s leadership, courage and commitment was recognised as a recipient of a prestigious Nuffield Farming Scholarship as well as winning the Women in Horticulture 2021 award at the National Hort Connections Conference.